Mary Shadbolt: Tiger Fly

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Illustrations: Houses

This is an example of my house drawings available for commission.

I have included the photo that was given to me of the Maserio house. Along with my finished Pen and ink drawing which you can see has some charming details and snow. (The drawing was then used for her Christmas cards!)

I have also done drawings of houses that are more true to life (as per request) or added some "landscaping". I also draw schools, churches, summer cottages, etc.

General turn around time is 1-2 weeks depending on my work load.

If interested in a drawing of your home, beach house, school, church etc. please contact me either via email or phone. We start with a 15 min. meeting in person, or phone, to put together what you are looking for and "draw" up an order. Preferably I ask for a photo(s) and will also make a visit or two to the house (if able) to get a true read on the structure.

There are some different options available to you.
1. Finished pen and ink drawing in a size of your choice
2. Finished pen and ink drawing, hand colored in colored pencil/watercolor
3. the above ...matted
4. the above matted and framed
5. the above and assistance in working with a printer to create note cards as well as the original drawing (matted/framed) for your home.

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